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Zophai Nicknames - Nicknames for Zophai

Zophai nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Zophai Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Zophai include: Pho, Zophy, Zopho, Zoph, and Phai.

Used for
both boys and girls

Zophai Name Details

Learn more about the name Zophai including its meaning, history, and more.

Sevika (seh-VI-kuh)
Dheerandra (DHEE-ran-dra)
Rachel (ray-chuhl)
Chellamuthu (Che-luh-MOO-thoo)
Sanna (SAH-nah)
Ambu (ahm-boo)
Satishkuma (suh-TEEHSH-koo-mah)
Fonzie (FAHN-zee)
Lokanetra (loh-kuh-ney-truh)
Srijity (sree-jee-tee)
Fersaad (fur-saad)
Asaabat (Ah-sah-baht)