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Yusr Nicknames - Nicknames for Yusr

Yusr nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Yusr Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Yusr include: Rsuy, and Yusrify.

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Yusr Name Details

Learn more about the name Yusr including its meaning, history, and more.

Vishwaroop (Vish-war-oop)
Subathirai (soo-bah-thee-rye)
Angada (AHNG-gah-dah)
Sherjil (shur-jeel)
Gurgian (gur-jee-uhn)
Kampan (kahm-PAHN)
Egbertyne (EG-ber-tine)
Roshita (ro-SHEE-ta)
Jalark (juh-lark)
Edelawit (eh-deh-LAH-weet)
Thilakar (thi-luh-kar)
Aparamitha (ah-pah-rah-MEE-thah)