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Yogammal Nicknames - Nicknames for Yogammal

Yogammal nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Yogammal Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Yogammal include: Lala, Mally, Maggie, Gammie, and Yogi.

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Yogammal Name Details

Learn more about the name Yogammal including its meaning, history, and more.

Guilhem (geeh-em)
Poduri (poh-DOO-ree)
Hymavathi (hi-ma-vuh-thee)
Aashray (aa-sh-rah-ee)
Aashay (ah-shay)
Violetta (vee-oh-LET-uh)
Poojit (poo-JEET)
Kodialli (koh-dee-ahl-lee)
Shivati (shi-VAH-tee)
Tarpini (tar-pee-nee)
Vendhan (VEN-than)
Paraag (puh-rahg)