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Vrunda Nicknames - Nicknames for Vrunda

Vrunda nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Vrunda Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Vrunda include: Vru, Ru, Vruddy, Vruni, and Vrundy.

Used for
vrunda is used as a traditional feminine name in india and nepal.

Vrunda Name Details

Learn more about the name Vrunda including its meaning, history, and more.

Kamaljit (kah-mahl-jeet)
Ruhin (ruh-HEEN)
Akhyath (uh-KY-uth)
Mynavathi (my-nuh-VAH-thee)
Jagatha (jah-GAH-tha)
Azzeez (UH-ZEEZ)
Qarni (kar-nee)
Cadrasva (kuh-DRAHS-vah)
Kinza (kin-zah)
Abhiniti (ah-bee-NEE-tee)
Rajus (rah-joos)
Veeramani (veer-a-mah-nee)