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Vrishanku Nicknames - Nicknames for Vrishanku

Vrishanku nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Vrishanku Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Vrishanku include: Vrishu, Vri, and Shanku.

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Vrishanku Name Details

Learn more about the name Vrishanku including its meaning, history, and more.

Prashi (prah-shee)
Sakuntala (suh-KOON-tuh-luh)
Caturasya (chuh-tuh-ruh-shuh)
Ringo (RING-goh)
Habal (hah-bahl)
Chetal (cheh-tahl)
Myrtie (MUR-tee)
Dayasankara (dah-yuh-suhn-kah-rah)
Isobell (eye-zuh-bel)
Parashar (puh-RAH-shar)
Giti (GEE-tee)
Marjia (Mar-jaa)