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Viresh Nicknames - Nicknames for Viresh

Viresh nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Viresh Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Viresh include: Vivi, V-man, Vee, Viro, Viri, and Reshi.

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Viresh Name Details

Learn more about the name Viresh including its meaning, history, and more.

Vrisapati (vrih-sah-puh-tee)
Zubaanah (zoo-bah-nah)
Fahamitha (FAH-ha-mee-tha)
Kshatriya (kshah-tree-yah)
Jayatri (jah-YAH-tree)
Naghmeh (NAHG-meh)
Ramswaroop (ruhms-wuh-roop)
Nischint (NIH-ss-chint)
Mangalkumar (muhn-guhl-KUH-mahr)
Minoti (mi-NO-tee)
Nipuna (ni-poo-na)
Nater (NEY-ter)