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Virbhadra Nicknames - Nicknames for Virbhadra

Virbhadra nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Virbhadra Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Virbhadra include: Virb, Bhaddy, Viru, Virby, Bhadra, and Hadra.

Used for
virbhadra is commonly used as a masculine name.

Virbhadra Name Details

Learn more about the name Virbhadra including its meaning, history, and more.

Sachetas (suh-CHEH-tuhs)
Natalie (Nuh-tuh-lee)
Christmas (KRIS-muhs)
Lakshmiraman (luhk-sh-mee-rah-mahn)
Rooha (roo-ha)
Ujal (oo-jal)
Zakiaas (Zuh-kee-uhz)
Rudraanee (roo-drah-nee)
Anita (ah-NEE-tah)
Uttampal (uh-tuhm-pawl)
Zahara (zah-HAH-rah)
Humat (Hoo-maht)