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Vikasni Nicknames - Nicknames for Vikasni

Vikasni nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Vikasni Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Vikasni include: Vika, Nini, Vicky, and Kasi.

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Vikasni Name Details

Learn more about the name Vikasni including its meaning, history, and more.

Darain (duh-RAIN)
Dhan (dahn)
Ekanath (eh-kuh-nath)
Pushpi (POOSH-pee)
Marquise (mar-KEEZ)
Amlaa (uhm-laa)
Sanmit (sahn-mit)
Ilaahi (ih-lah-hee)
Bahoo (bah-HOO)
Yashashri (YAH-shash-ree)
Hautat (haw-TAT)
Abnaar (ab-NAHR)