Vettri Nicknames - Nicknames for Vettri

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Vettri Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Vettri include: Vett, Vetty, Vettu, and Vets.

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Vettri Name Details

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Jildah (JIL-duh)
Jasmitha (juh-smee-tha)
Kanwal (kan-wahl)
Manyu (MAHN-yoo)
Isobel (Iz-uh-bel)
Pankajadharini (pan-ka-ja-dha-ree-nee)
Shanae (sha-NAY)
Ieasha (ee-YAH-shah)
Sakeen (suh-KEEN)
Pere (peh-ruh)
Safdri (saf-dree)
Pasukh (pah-sookh)