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Vedraj Nicknames - Nicknames for Vedraj

Vedraj nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Vedraj Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Vedraj include: V-Raj, V-man, Veddy, Vraj, and Veddy Bear.

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Vedraj Name Details

Learn more about the name Vedraj including its meaning, history, and more.

Omprakash (ohm-prah-kash)
Oum (OOM)
Palashkusum (puh-lash-koo-sum)
Nilakantha (nee-la-KAN-tha)
Swarnim (swar-neem)
Whoopi (WHOO-pee)
Carran (Ka-ran)
Kyllie (ky-lee)
Aarthikha (aa-r-THIK-haa)
Yoginder (yo-gin-der)
Xaviar (zay-vee-er)
Vekshana (vek-SHAH-nah)