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Vedagath Nicknames - Nicknames for Vedagath

Vedagath nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Vedagath Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Vedagath include: Vagi, Gathy, Gathey, Veda, Vedi, Vaggie, V-Dog, Veddy, Vedu, and Gath.

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Vedagath Name Details

Learn more about the name Vedagath including its meaning, history, and more.

Tivradyuti (tee-vra-dyoo-tee)
Vanmali (vahn-MAH-lee)
Anbu (AHN-boo)
Jagjivan (juhg-jih-vahn)
Darsh (dahrsh)
Shanmitha (shahn-mee-tha)
Samvid (suhm-veed)
Pertaab (per-TAAB)
Anami (uh-NAH-mee)
Nasir (nah-SEER)
Shuab (SHOO-ab)
Hulla (HUH-lah)