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Valliammai Nicknames - Nicknames for Valliammai

Valliammai nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Valliammai Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Valliammai include: Val, Ammai, Vallu, Mai, and Valli.

Used for
valliammai is commonly used as a feminine name in tamil nadu, india

Valliammai Name Details

Learn more about the name Valliammai including its meaning, history, and more.

Sunami (soo-nah-mee)
Kamur (Kaa-moor)
Ziba (ZEE-bah)
Mahishmat (mah-hish-maht)
Thrithika (thri-thee-ka)
Pugal (poo-guhl)
Dobuk (doh-buhk)
Irfan (ihr-fahn)
Oma (OH-mah)
Sumangal (soo-muhn-GAHL)
Mandarmalika (muhn-dar-muh-lee-ka)
Zarmina (zar-MEE-nah)