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Vaisnavi Nicknames - Nicknames for Vaisnavi

Vaisnavi nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Vaisnavi Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Vaisnavi include: Vais, Vava, Navy, Vai, Navi, and Vaisu.

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Vaisnavi Name Details

Learn more about the name Vaisnavi including its meaning, history, and more.

Cempaka (chem-PAH-kah)
Gannaath (guh-nahth)
Mahsheed (MAH-sheed)
Vanitha (vuh-NEE-thuh)
Joga (JOH-gah)
Akalpa (ah-KAHL-pah)
Lyrica (li-Ri-kah)
Wurud (woo-rood)
Saxon (SACK-suhn)
Fiyas (Fee-yas)
Meh (mÉ›)
Melicent (MEL-ih-sent)