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Vadde Nicknames - Nicknames for Vadde

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Vadde Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Vadde include: Vee, Veedy, Vads, Vade, Vaddy, Vad, and Vada.

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Vadde Name Details

Learn more about the name Vadde including its meaning, history, and more.

Amprithu (ahm-pri-thoo)
Taleen (tah-LEEN)
Zuhoor (zoo-HOOR)
Aasi (AH-see)
Perdagh (per-dah)
Fizza (FEE-zah)
Sukhalesh (soo-kah-lesh)
Aryaf (uh-ree-uhf)
Aaratrikia (uh-raah-tree-kee-uh)
Ura (oo-rah)
Sukhayani (soo-khah-yah-nee)
Devmitra (dev-MEE-trah)