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Uttam Nicknames - Nicknames for Uttam

Uttam nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Uttam Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Uttam include: Tammy, Uts, Tamma, Utti, and Uti.

Used for
primarily used for boys

Uttam Name Details

Learn more about the name Uttam including its meaning, history, and more.

Rominah (roh-MEE-nah)
Ekansa (eh-KAHN-sah)
Kalie (KAY-lee)
Mrunalini (mru-nuh-LEE-nee)
Gourikant (go-ree-kuhnt)
Gulal (goo-laahl)
Shrutadevi (shroo-tuh-deh-vee)
Jalaadhi (juh-laa-dhee)
Mahaalah (mah-HAH-lah)
Akaldeep (AH-kahl-deep)
Amrutkiran (uhm-root-kee-run)
Mahlegha (MAH-leh-gah)