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Uroosa Nicknames - Nicknames for Uroosa

Uroosa nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Uroosa Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Uroosa include: Uro, Oosy, Roo, Roos, Oosa, and Uroo.

Used for
the name uroosa is commonly used for baby girls.

Uroosa Name Details

Learn more about the name Uroosa including its meaning, history, and more.

Gharban (Ghar-ban)
Kakanda (Kah-kan-dah)
Bhagvatee (bhuhg-vuh-tee)
Terance (Tuh-rans)
Yetunde (yeh-TOON-day)
Ruscha (ROOSH-ah)
Hitaishi (hee-ta-ee-shee)
Manita (Mah-nee-tah)
Ambuja (uhm-boo-juh)
Paramdesh (par-uhm-desh)
Vikusra (vi-KUSS-rah)
Punyatrina (poo-nyah-TREE-nah)