Urjit Nicknames - Nicknames for Urjit

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Urjit Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Urjit include: Urru, Jit, Jitty, Urju, and Jitu.

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Urjit Name Details

Learn more about the name Urjit including its meaning, history, and more.

Mheen (mheen)
Ebbie (EH-bee)
Vicky (VIK-ee)
Abhiru (uh-BEE-roo)
Sevantika (seh-vahn-tee-ka)
Gomathy (go-ma-thee)
Drak (drak)
Jaikar (JAY-kar)
Zuwail (Zoo-wayl)
Zameir (zuh-MEER)
Uttamjot (OOT-uhm-jot)
Lanie (LAY-nee)