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Urjaswati Nicknames - Nicknames for Urjaswati

Urjaswati nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Urjaswati Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Urjaswati include: Uj, Ursa, Urju, Urjy, Swati, and Raj.

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Urjaswati Name Details

Learn more about the name Urjaswati including its meaning, history, and more.

Vattyam (Vat-tyam)
Darnajaf (dar-nuh-jaf)
Bhasma (BHUS-mah)
Bartholemew (bahr-THAW-luh-myoo)
Hujaimah (hoo-jahy-muh)
Kandice (KAN-dis)
Orson (AWR-sən)
Firdaos (fur-dows)
Sanjanthi (sahn-jahn-thee)
Shambhukanta (shahm-boo-kan-tuh)
Ummayyah (uh-mah-yah)
Rebekkah (ruh-BEK-uh)