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Ujjiti Nicknames - Nicknames for Ujjiti

Ujjiti nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Ujjiti Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Ujjiti include: Jiti, Uj, Ujja, Ujit, Ujju, and Jit.

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Ujjiti Name Details

Learn more about the name Ujjiti including its meaning, history, and more.

Pradish (pruh-dish)
Wajida (wah-jee-dah)
Chyna (CHY-nah)
Sibaal (si-BAHL)
Khayrah (kuh-RAH)
Ammat (ahm-maht)
Khudeesh (koo-deesh)
Sail (say-eel)
Mardah (mar-dah)
Swindel (SWIN-dəl)
Himangini (hee-man-gi-ni)
Amnajane (ahm-nuh-jane)