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Ujjayati Nicknames - Nicknames for Ujjayati

Ujjayati nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Ujjayati Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Ujjayati include: Jay, Jayati, Yati, Ujju, and Ujj.

Used for
both boys and girls

Ujjayati Name Details

Learn more about the name Ujjayati including its meaning, history, and more.

Aaritra (AA-ri-trah)
Tarique (tuh-REEK)
Isha (EE-shah)
Jawhar (JAH-wahr)
Hajiz (hah-jeez)
Giriraja (gee-ree-ra-ja)
Abeel (uh-beel)
Zakiaas (Zuh-kee-uhz)
Deviprakash (DAY-vee-pruh-kash)
Yogin (yoh-geen)
Indradevi (in-drah-DAY-vee)
Advika (ahd-VEE-kah)