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Tejaswini Nicknames - Nicknames for Tejaswini

Tejaswini nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Tejaswini Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Tejaswini include: Teju, Taju, Swi, Swini, and Teja.

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Tejaswini Name Details

Learn more about the name Tejaswini including its meaning, history, and more.

Sherbiyah (shur-bee-yah)
Ramappan (ruh-muh-puhn)
Sampavi (sahm-pah-vee)
Akalsimar (uh-kahl-see-mar)
Angela (AN-juh-luh)
Jambalini (jam-ba-LEE-nee)
Yashawanta (yuh-shuh-wahn-tuh)
Timmothy (TIM-uh-thee)
Dhruvita (dhrOO-vi-tah)
Maheshwar (maa-heh-shwahr)
Sanasi (suh-NASS-ee)
Nrity (NUH-ree-tee)