Taneesha Nicknames - Nicknames for Taneesha

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Taneesha Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Taneesha include: Tani, Nee, Tanu, Sha, T, and Neesh.

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Taneesha Name Details

Learn more about the name Taneesha including its meaning, history, and more.

Merideth (MEHR-i-deth)
Nihith (NIH-ith)
Praket (pruh-ket)
Kallyn (KAL-in)
Nimi (nee-mee)
Banbhatt (bahn-bhuh-t)
Rebbeca (rih-BEHK-ah)
Khagesha (kuh-geh-sha)
Irwin (er-WIN)
Zuljalal (zool-jah-lal)
Raouf (rah-oof)
Danarto (DAH-nar-to)