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Taleeha Nicknames - Nicknames for Taleeha

Taleeha nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Taleeha Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Taleeha include: Lea, Leeha, Talee, Taha, Taly, Tali, Tal, Talia, Lee, and Tee.

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Taleeha Name Details

Learn more about the name Taleeha including its meaning, history, and more.

Aarnavi (aar-NAH-vee)
Asmer (AHZ-mur)
Wakeeta (wah-kee-tah)
Siddesh (SID-desh)
Sabiqah (sa-BEE-kah)
Aanandita (ah-nahn-dee-tah)
Rangeela (run-GHEE-luh)
Hudaa (hoo-da)
Sakut (SAH-koot)
Tamkeen (tam-KEEN)
Lolo (loh-loh)
Marthena (mahr-THEE-nah)