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Swetha Nicknames - Nicknames for Swetha

Swetha nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Swetha Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Swetha include: Shweth, Shwetha, Swee, Sweth, Shwe, Sweety, Shwee, Swe, and Swethi.

Used for
traditionally used as a girl's name

Swetha Name Details

Learn more about the name Swetha including its meaning, history, and more.

Jaswin (JAZ-win)
Irappili (I-rah-peel-ee)
Mufiz (moo-feez)
Palpandi (pahl-PAHN-dee)
Rups (rups)
Yawer (YAH-wer)
Lasan (luh-SAN)
Sabri (sah-bree)
Gladwin (GLAD-win)
Balvindra (bal-VEEN-dra)
Arumukhan (ah-ru-moo-khan)
Tayyoor (tay-YOOR)