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Swabhiram Nicknames - Nicknames for Swabhiram

Swabhiram nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Swabhiram Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Swabhiram include: Swa, Swabby, Bhiram, and Ram.

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Swabhiram Name Details

Learn more about the name Swabhiram including its meaning, history, and more.

Isabella (ih-zah-BEH-lah)
Chhayank (CHH-uh-yank)
Akhuga (a-KHOO-gah)
Paamar (pah-mer)
Muruj (moo-rooj)
Niranat (nee-ruh-nat)
Brjamohana (brij-a-mo-ha-na)
Mashu (MAH-shoo)
Amanthika (ah-MAN-thee-ka)
Shazfa (SHAHZ-fah)
Sadique (sah-DEEK)
Waad (wahd)