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Soyab Nicknames - Nicknames for Soyab

Soyab nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Soyab Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Soyab include: Soybie, Soy, Soybo, and Soya.

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Soyab Name Details

Learn more about the name Soyab including its meaning, history, and more.

Aliyyah (ah-lee-yah)
Rajaveni (rah-juh-VEE-nee)
Baneet (bah-neet)
Kamaroopin (kə-muh-ROO-pin)
Kirtibhushan (kir-tee-boo-shuhn)
Tafrid (tah-FREED)
Devadasa (day-vuh-dah-suh)
Wasti (wah-stee)
Gaveshanaa (guh-veh-shuh-nuh)
Shammi (SHAH-mee)
Kalpen (KAHL-pen)
Maarb (mahr-b)