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Shrawani Nicknames - Nicknames for Shrawani

Shrawani nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Shrawani Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Shrawani include: Shrawa, Shrawu, Shravi, and Wani.

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Shrawani Name Details

Learn more about the name Shrawani including its meaning, history, and more.

Indraneela (in-drah-nee-lah)
Rathidevi (RA-thee-DE-vee)
Adeeba (a-dee-bah)
Kripal (KRIP-al)
Dhanusha (dha-NOO-shah)
Miaa (MEE-uh)
Vedapunya (vey-duh-poon-yuh)
Prakrithi (pruh-KREE-thee)
Suryadita (soo-ree-yah-dee-tah)
Shalmala (shahl-mah-lah)
Mathurekha (ma-thu-re-khaa)
Sumeru (su-meh-roo)