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Shishir Nicknames - Nicknames for Shishir

Shishir nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Shishir Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Shishir include: Rishi, Shish, Shir, Shishi, and Shiro.

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Shishir Name Details

Learn more about the name Shishir including its meaning, history, and more.

Vacana (vuh-CHAH-nuh)
Muqtasid (muk-TAH-sid)
Clarrissa (kluh-RISS-uh)
Khurami (Khoo-raa-mee)
Farkhande (far-khan-d)
Cakrabhuj (CHAH-krah-BOOJ)
Vasupati (vah-soo-pah-tee)
Carollynn (Kuh-rol-in)
Umapathi (oo-mah-puh-thee)
Veerendra (VEE-ren-drÉ™)
Cakora (CHA-ko-rah)
Agnivarna (AHG-ni-vahr-nuh)