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Shanika Nicknames - Nicknames for Shanika

Shanika nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Shanika Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Shanika include: Shan, Nika, Shani, and Shanka.

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Shanika Name Details

Learn more about the name Shanika including its meaning, history, and more.

Mashmool (mash-mool)
Zarahamar (Zah-rah-mahr)
Grey (gray)
Aizaad (eye-ZAHD)
Udesang (oo-deh-sang)
Yaduvir (yah-doo-veer)
Pralay (pruh-lay)
Hezekiah (heh-ZEEK-ee-ah)
Hanai (hah-nye)
Dasaketu (Dah-sah-kay-too)
Abhibhu (AHB-ee-BOO)
Leysha (LEY-sha)