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Shagun Nicknames - Nicknames for Shagun

Shagun nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Shagun Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Shagun include: Shagi, Gunni, Shags, Gunnu, Shagu, and Shaggy.

Used for
primarily used as a girl's name

Shagun Name Details

Learn more about the name Shagun including its meaning, history, and more.

Burat (Boo-raht)
Aracelli (a-ruh-SEH-lee)
Nimmy (NIM-ee)
Shreema (SHREE-ma)
Agnisoma (ag-nee-SOH-mah)
Uditi (oo-dee-tee)
Saank (Saah-nk)
Saoeeb (saw-eeb)
Sumanth (soo-mahnth)
Amita (ah-MEE-tah)
Cakrabhrt (cha-kra-bhurt)
Carolynn (kuh-ROL-in)