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Shabir Nicknames - Nicknames for Shabir

Shabir nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Shabir Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Shabir include: Shabs, Shabi, Shab, Shabby, Shaboo, Abir, and Shabu.

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Shabir Name Details

Learn more about the name Shabir including its meaning, history, and more.

Umanathan (oo-ma-NA-tan)
Gurunama (gu-ru-na-ma)
Aakhyaan (aa-khy-an)
Elmi (ehl-mee)
Manipal (mə-NEE-pəl)
Sagnik (suhg-nik)
Udu (oo-doo)
Shamitha (sha-MEE-tha)
Athara (ah-THAR-uh)
Dakshayani (duhk-shah-yuh-nee)
Shrida (shree-dah)
Simeer (si-MEER)