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Shabeeba Nicknames - Nicknames for Shabeeba

Shabeeba nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Shabeeba Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Shabeeba include: Shabee, Beeba, Shebby, Shabz, Babes, and Shab.

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Shabeeba Name Details

Learn more about the name Shabeeba including its meaning, history, and more.

Indudeep (in-doo-deep)
Kalpnath (kahlp-nath)
Jalapa (jah-lah-pah)
Pranavee (pruh-nuh-vee)
Kapali (Kah-pah-lee)
Kodie (KOH-dee)
Jinesha (ji-NEH-sha)
Mufiah (moo-FEE-uh)
Saranya (suh-RAHN-yuh)
Garvish (GAHR-vish)
Bimla (BIHM-lah)
Andersson (an-der-suhn)