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Sarthaka Nicknames - Nicknames for Sarthaka

Sarthaka nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Sarthaka Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Sarthaka include: Sart, Sartaka, Sakka, Sarthu, Sath, Sathi, and Saku.

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Sarthaka Name Details

Learn more about the name Sarthaka including its meaning, history, and more.

Mukura (moo-KOO-rah)
Anahera (ah-nah-he-ra)
Indragop (In-dra-gop)
Gaganasindhu (guh-guh-nuh-sin-doo)
Alankritha (uh-lahn-kree-thuh)
Vivaan (vuh-VAHN)
Cupka (kuh-pka)
Zayden (ZAY-den)
Ishaar (i-SHAHR)
Izzat (ih-zuht)
Nediyavan (neh-dee-yah-vahn)
Sagunya (suh-GOON-yah)