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Sanjeevi Nicknames - Nicknames for Sanjeevi

Sanjeevi nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Sanjeevi Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Sanjeevi include: Sanjee, Sanjo, Jeevi, Sanji, and Sanju.

Used for
usually given as a masculine name

Sanjeevi Name Details

Learn more about the name Sanjeevi including its meaning, history, and more.

Fritha (FREE-thuh)
Deepesha (dee-pesh-uh)
Aakar (uh-KAHR)
Mahluli (mah-HLOO-lee)
Citapati (CHEE-ta-pah-tee)
Lakhi (Lah-kee)
Hemavathi (hey-muh-VAH-thee)
Ritta (RIH-tuh)
An (ahn)
Zabeah (zuh-BEE-uh)
Visruth (vih-SROOTH)
Bazegha (buh-zay-guh)