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Sahni Nicknames - Nicknames for Sahni

Sahni nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Sahni Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Sahni include: Sahu, Sahnu, Sanni, and Sahi.

Used for
primarily used as a surname in india.

Sahni Name Details

Learn more about the name Sahni including its meaning, history, and more.

Shwetambri (SHWEH-tahm-bree)
Haneesha (huh-NEE-shuh)
Liddia (li-dee-uh)
Rifaaqat (ri-faa-qaat)
Sampuran (suhm-POO-ruhn)
Nagabhooshan (nuh-guh-boo-shun)
Baasna (BAHZ-nah)
Aldwin (AHL-dwin)
Isyaaf (i-syaaf)
Abroo (uh-broo)
Anudeep (AH-noo-deep)
Poojan (POO-jahn)