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Safoora Nicknames - Nicknames for Safoora

Safoora nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Safoora Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Safoora include: Saffy, Safu, Safi, Sofie, and Sofi.

Used for
this name is commonly used for girls.

Safoora Name Details

Learn more about the name Safoora including its meaning, history, and more.

Kanishkha (kuh-nee-sh-kha)
Kautuk (ka-oo-tuhk)
Vaagdevi (vahg-deh-vee)
Asuri (ah-SUH-ree)
Harjyot (hur-jee-ot)
Krsnika (krish-nee-kah)
Chandrakaantaa (chuhn-drah-KAHN-taa)
Mohaa (moh-hah)
Parashara (puh-RAH-shuh-ruh)
Velunachiyaar (vay-loo-nuh-chee-yar)
Nal (nal)
Bazugh (buh-ZOOG)