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Sabita Nicknames - Nicknames for Sabita

Sabita nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Sabita Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Sabita include: Saby, Babita, SabiPoo, Sabs, Bitu, Sabina, Bita, Sabie, and Sabi.

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Sabita Name Details

Learn more about the name Sabita including its meaning, history, and more.

Shruit (shroo-it)
Nilak (nee-lak)
Majnuh (maz-NOO)
Qanoo (kuh-noo)
Brahmi (BRAH-mee)
Oppilan (ah-pi-lahn)
Yudhiraj (YOOD-hee-rahj)
Agniprava (uhg-nee-pruh-vuh)
Balasena (buh-luh-SEE-nuh)
Aboli (ah-BOH-lee)
Hazqah (HAHZ-kah)
Akshina (uhk-SHEE-nuh)