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Rojani Nicknames - Nicknames for Rojani

Rojani nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Rojani Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Rojani include: Roji, Jano, Jana, Jani, Roju, and Roja.

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Rojani Name Details

Learn more about the name Rojani including its meaning, history, and more.

Fatihah (FAH-tee-hah)
Goda (GOH-dah)
Dushchithra (dush-CHITH-rah)
Soban (soh-bahn)
Fabricio (fah-BREE-see-oh)
Vaishal (V-eye-shuhl)
Pallavi (pah-LAH-vee)
Damaque (duh-mak)
Ayodhya (ah-yoh-d-yah)
Musaaleh (moo-sah-lay)
Manaan (muh-NAHN)
Eashwera (ee-ASH-weh-ruh)