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Rakban Nicknames - Nicknames for Rakban

Rakban nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Rakban Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Rakban include: Raks, Rako, Rakky, and Raku.

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Rakban Name Details

Learn more about the name Rakban including its meaning, history, and more.

Nisanthi (nee-SAHN-thee)
Laqa (LAH-kah)
Nandakishor (NAN-duh-kee-shor)
Nazaarah (nuh-ZAH-ruh)
Imogene (ee-muh-jeen)
Sameern (suh-MEER-un)
Chitrangi (chit-RAHNG-ee)
Indraja (in-DRAH-jah)
Parwaash (par-WAHSH)
Angbeen (ang-been)
Harimanti (hah-ree-MAHN-tee)
Wirathat (wee-rah-thaht)