Putana Nicknames - Nicknames for Putana

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Putana Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Putana include: Tanya, Puta, Tani, Puti, and Tana.

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Putana Name Details

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Gig (gig)
Safwan (SAF-wahn)
Devaguru (dey-vuh-goo-roo)
Trae (tray)
Menka (men-ka)
Sowri (SOH-ree)
Bhupal (buh-puhl)
Vaidyanath (vay-duh-yuh-nath)
Bahubala (bah-hoo-BAH-lah)
Josita (joh-SEE-tah)
Pranayaa (pruh-nah-yuh)
Palashkusum (puh-lash-koo-sum)