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Pushtika Nicknames - Nicknames for Pushtika

Pushtika nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Pushtika Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Pushtika include: Pushi, Push, Tika, and Tiki.

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Pushtika Name Details

Learn more about the name Pushtika including its meaning, history, and more.

Robinette (RO-bi-net)
Ramprasad (rahm-prah-saad)
Trishala (tri-sha-la)
Chandii (CHAHN-dee)
Hardeet (har-DEET)
Manotosha (mah-noh-TOH-sha)
Marlow (MAHR-loh)
Yogeshwaran (yo-geSH-wa-ran)
Ritushri (ree-too-shree)
Shreshta (shraySH-tah)
Tarajjab (ta-ra-JAB)
Bayleigh (BAY-lee)