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Pratyaksh Nicknames - Nicknames for Pratyaksh

Pratyaksh nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Pratyaksh Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Pratyaksh include: Pratu, Prats, Shaky, Pratsy, Pratty, Shakshy, Pratts, and Prat.

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Pratyaksh Name Details

Learn more about the name Pratyaksh including its meaning, history, and more.

Divina (di-VEE-nah)
Nadba (NAHD-buh)
Whitnee (WHIT-nee)
Abrashmina (uh-BRAHSH-mee-nuh)
Prem (prɛm)
Pareshthi (puh-RESH-thee)
Premsagar (prem-suh-gahr)
Shubhavi (shoo-BAH-vee)
Kadee (KAY-dee)
Tinu (TEE-noo)
Halawat (ha-la-wat)
Tapki (TAP-kee)