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Pratima Nicknames - Nicknames for Pratima

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Pratima Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Pratima include: Pappu, Timmy, Prati, Tima, Rima, Rati, and Pra.

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Pratima Name Details

Learn more about the name Pratima including its meaning, history, and more.

Thong (tong)
Mubadir (moo-bah-deer)
Surohini (su-ro-hi-ni)
Calanthia (kuh-LAN-thee-uh)
Vritti (vrit-tee)
Vanaspati (vuh-nuh-spuh-tee)
GAO (gau)
Hilli (HI-lee)
Tejaswi (teh-jahs-wee)
Devadath (DEV-uh-dath)
Shaji (SHAH-jee)
Linga (LING-gah)