Pratibal Nicknames - Nicknames for Pratibal

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Pratibal Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Pratibal include: Pritu, Pratiba, Pribal, Pratty, and Prati.

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Pratibal Name Details

Learn more about the name Pratibal including its meaning, history, and more.

Aslihan (AHZ-lee-han)
Hirananda (hi-ruh-nuhn-duh)
Kahdim (ka-DIM)
Ahmet (AH-met)
Luan (LOO-ahn)
Hirah (he-ra)
Talqeen (tal-keen)
Sashang (suh-shahng)
Rajathi (rah-ja-thee)
Yashasya (yah-shuh-sya)
Rubina (roo-BEE-nah)
Yaaja (YAH-jah)