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Prambir Nicknames - Nicknames for Prambir

Prambir nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Prambir Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Prambir include: Prambi, Prammy, P-Bear, Bir, and Pram.

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Prambir Name Details

Learn more about the name Prambir including its meaning, history, and more.

Ashwini (ahsh-wee-nee)
Citrita (sih-tree-tuh)
Shoonah (shoo-nah)
Puspa (POOSH-pah)
Deepmoy (DEEP-moy)
Ugrata (oo-GRAH-ta)
Rajju (RAH-joo)
Gurutmat (guh-ROOT-maht)
Prema (PRAY-mah)
Warood (Waa-rood)
Dheerata (dhee-RAH-tah)
Mathubala (muh-THOO-buh-lah)