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Prajay Nicknames - Nicknames for Prajay

Prajay nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Prajay Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Prajay include: Pjay, Praji, Jay, Prayj, Raj, Pj, and Pray.

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Prajay Name Details

Learn more about the name Prajay including its meaning, history, and more.

Charvy (chahr-vye)
Ozza (AH-zah)
Samee (sah-mee)
Qurat (KOO-raht)
Deepamshu (DEE-pam-shoo)
Satha (sah-thah)
Ganghari (gan-GAH-ree)
Abarna (ah-BAR-nah)
Lab (lahb)
Chiranjeevee (chi-RAHN-ju-vee)
Rashmiya (Ruh-shmee-uh)
Akshayaguna (ahk-shah-yah-goo-nah)