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Poonkodai Nicknames - Nicknames for Poonkodai

Poonkodai nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Poonkodai Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Poonkodai include: Poodai, Pookie, Poo, Poonky, Poon, Poonko, and Poony.

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Poonkodai Name Details

Learn more about the name Poonkodai including its meaning, history, and more.

Madhevi (muhd-HEH-vee)
Ushta (OOSH-tah)
Tawaqad (tah-WAH-kad)
Shari (SHA-ree)
Suvernus (soo-VUR-nuhs)
Nieshan (Nee-shan)
Kangna (kahn-gnah)
Amaldeepti (ah-mahl-dip-tee)
Ghtia (gg-tee-uh)
Saji (sah-jee)
Durvaasaa (doo-ruh-vah-saa)
My (mee)