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Pertaab Nicknames - Nicknames for Pertaab

Pertaab nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Pertaab Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Pertaab include: Peri, Bert, Pert, Paab, Perry, Tata, Tabby, and Perts.

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Pertaab Name Details

Learn more about the name Pertaab including its meaning, history, and more.

Harshula (HAR-shoo-la)
Elyzabeth (ih-LIE-zuh-beth)
Tasheel (tuh-SHEEL)
Lajli (LAH-jlee)
Lenin (/ˈlɛnɪn/)
Prasata (pruh-sah-tah)
Nasma (NAS-mah)
Hettie (HEH-tee)
Azreh (Ahz-reh)
Daliss (Daa-liss)
Rozinah (roh-ZEE-nah)
Sudnya (sood-nya)