Parthasarathi Nicknames - Nicknames for Parthasarathi

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Parthasarathi Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Parthasarathi include: Partha, Arathi, Saarthi, Partho, and Pathu.

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Parthasarathi Name Details

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Taraaz (tuh-RAHZ)
Sreeja (sree-jah)
Yvette (ee-VET)
Nilaruna (nee-lah-ROO-nah)
Kamood (Ka-mood)
Asqalan (Ah-skah-lan)
Aivannan (eye-VAN-un)
Sannan (SA-nahn)
Khatab (kuh-TAHB)
Rajakumar (rah-juh-koo-mahr)
Merjaan (mehr-JAHN)
Nadia (NAH-dee-uh)