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Ozegar Nicknames - Nicknames for Ozegar

Ozegar nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Ozegar Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Ozegar include: Ozzy Bear, Ozie, Gar, Oz, and Ozzy.

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Ozegar Name Details

Learn more about the name Ozegar including its meaning, history, and more.

Kalimullah (kah-lee-moo-lah)
Kavalesh (kuh-vuh-lesh)
Viyoginee (vee-yoh-guh-nee)
Elfrida (EL-fri-da)
Antara (ahn-TAH-ruh)
Eebbisaa (ehb-bee-sah)
Vepa (VEHP-ah)
Jagrup (jah-GROOP)
Sarbuland (sar-buh-lahnd)
Varahamihir (va-ra-ha-mi-heer)
Vaikundavasan (vey-koon-duh-vuh-suhn)
Jayaj (JAY-uj)